Monday 28 March 2011

Evaluation questions unit 6

How does your finished product compare to your design?
All the labels are in the right place

How has technology (computer, digital camera, printer) helped you turned your design into a real product?
It helped alot, i wouldn't have been able to do it without Photoshop

Do you feel that your product is suitable for your target audience?

describe two challenges you have overcome?
microsoft excel was a challenge for me, i did not know how to make the pie charts

Describe the technical skills you have gained?
I learned how to make a pie chart in excel

Evaluation questions unit 7

How does your finished product compare to your design?
All the labels are in the right place

How has technology (computer, digital camera, printer) helped you turned your design into a real product?
It helped alot, i wouldn't have been able to do it without Photoshop

Do you feel that your product is suitable for your target audience?
describe two challenges you have overcome?
microsoft excel was a challenge for me, i did not know how to make the pie charts

Describe the technical skills you have gained?
I learned how to make a pie chart in excel

gaming magazine feedback

I gave my questionnaire to 6 different people and here is the information I got

5 possible fonts for a gaming magazine cover

5 possible fonts magcover

I would use the middle font (Gill sans unltra bold) for my gaming magazine cover because it stands out the most for me and can be easily rid

Target audience magazine cover

The audience I would aim my magazine front cover at is people that are into the “hardcore gamers” such as people that like first person shooting games, these type of people are normally males ranging in the age of 13-25

Gaming magazine moodboard


feedback pie chart


My advert fits all the CAP codes used by the ASA because

I think my advert fits in with the CAP codes because it is not offensive and it is suitable for its target audience. It is being advertised properly and it isn't showing any rude pictures of people.

5 Possible fonts

Five fonts

i would use the second font for a gaming console (Bauhaus 93) because it is really clear to see but it isnt just plain and dull, it also stands out alot

gaming consoles advertisement

powerpoint gaming consols

Target Audience

The product is for all ages genders, but the main target would be male teenagers to adults (in there 20's)

what makes it different is the game, teenage male's would be aimed at first person shooters (call of duty) and older people (in there 20's) would be aimed at adventure games such as oblivion which is more complicated and longer than a first person shooter.

There are over games aimed at female people such dress up, cooking themes of games, and a new one that is attracting alot of female gamers is "brain training games"

Xbox 360 Advertising Moodboard


Tuesday 22 March 2011

client proposal

In order to crate an advertising proposal , I need gather information about the company that makes the product, where it wants to advertise that it wants the advertising to achieve and how much it has to spend

The advertising budget for my campaign to advertise (name and purpose of your product) is £100, 000.

What do you want your adverts to achieve?
My advert will be used to boost sales for the product that I have chosen to advertise.

What type of advertising will suit your campaign?
The type of advertising I will use is print and online adverts

Describe the type of print advert you have in mind
The type of print would be, simple with a white back round with a picture of the product and the price, and the title being the products name.

What is the target market?
Teenagers to young adults

Monday 21 March 2011

Gaming Consol Powerpoint

powerpoint gaming consols

Xbox 360 Advert

Monday 14 February 2011

New name for game consols

Slim Brick- I think this would be a good name for a game’s consol because the word “Brick” seems to be bulky and big but “Slim” changes that feeling of it being bulky

Astriodz 720- I like this name because the world “astriodz” gives it a out of this world feeling, like a space feeling.

Core gaming- this is a good name for a consol because the word “core” makes it seem

"You Play" simple and gets to the point

alienware- making it seem alien and completely different and better than any other consol on the market.

My favorite name would be Astriodz 720 because it really gives a out of this world feeling, meaning it would be nothing like any other games ocnsol

Gaming magazine questionaire

Dose this magazine appeal to you

Xbox 360 Moodboard

Gaming magazine moodboard

Monday 7 February 2011

the purpose of ASA

The ASA is the uk’s regulator of advertising everything to do with media. We work to make sure the ads are legitimate and fit the quieter of the CAP code.

The ASA s not responsible for writing the codes, The CAP(Committee of advertising practice) and BCAP (the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice) are the company’s that write the codes.

BCAP is responsible for writing and maintaining the UK code of broadcast Advertising.

CAP is responsible for the rulebook The UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising, sales promotions and direct marketing. Non broadcast manes ads in media such as cinema, press, posters and online.

Monday 10 January 2011

Gaming mag cover